Set in 1969, four friends reunite from college for one highly anticipated night together. But when an old high school tough guy violently confronts Billy and challenges him to an alley fight, the boy's objectives are split between going to the fight or enjoying what could be their last night together.

Aiden Smith

Writer / Director

Aiden Smith is a storyteller from Charlotte, North Carolina. He started as an actor, mastering the art of characters and performance. Aiden has been writing and directing for five years with a hardworking team he met in high school. In 2021, he and his team started a production company known as “Groovy Towne LLC”. Aiden continues his storytelling career as a student at UNCSA. He directed the upcoming feature film “Fortunate Sons”.

1960s Stickers

For a small donation of at least $5, receive some really groovy lookin' stickers to add to your water bottles, computer cases, etc. From cars and coke bottles to radios and records, you'll get a colorful pack of stickers!


Production Magnet

For a donation of $20 or more, enjoy this NEW "Groovy Towne Entertainment" Production Magnet to support our efforts in telling stories on the big screen.


DVD Copy

Wanna see what the final product of our film looks like? By donating $100, you'll receive your own personal DVD copy along with the magnet, stickers, and prop. The DVD will come with bonus features.


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